Mrs. Shawanna Baker (Property Manager)
Mrs. Shawanna Baker presently serves as the "Site Manager," according to the latest annual report. Regrettably, there has been a notable accumulation of grievances against her, primarily stemming from her unpleasant interactions with members of the cooperative. Furthermore, her performance in implementing policies has been marked by repeated failures, raising questions about her competence in the role. Some members describe Mrs. Baker's demeanor as authoritarian, akin to that of a schoolgirl, and assert instances of bullying and threats, ostensibly on behalf of the board. These grievances collectively contribute to an atmosphere characterized by animus within the cooperative.
Ms. Dominque Johnson (Office Manager)
Ms. Dominque Johnson is the current Office Manager. Ms. Johnson has a overall positive rating with the membership.
Ms. Ashley Gentle (Leasing Agent)
Ms. Ashley Gentle is the current Leasing Agent of the co-op. She doesn’t have a great deal of interaction with the membership.
Mr. Brent McNeil (Former Chief Engineer)
Mr. Brent McNeil is currently vested as the Co-op’s Chief Engineer. We are not sure exactly what his job duties intel as he does the exact same job as the other maintenance personnel. He seems to be in charge of costing the co-op money as he is in charge of calling contractors to come out and do the jobs he is supposedly getting paid for.
Mr. Eddie Alston (Former Maintenance)
Mr. Alston is the only maintenance person on staff at the co-op. He is on medical leave.