Demand Your Rights

Corporate governance is the backbone of every successful cooperative. However, when the board of directors becomes corrupt, it can lead to disastrous consequences for the company and its stakeholders. Therefore, expelling a corrupt board of directors becomes a necessary step to ensure the cooperative's long-term success.

What is a Board of Directors?

A board of directors is a group of individuals elected by Membership (shareholders) to oversee the management and direction of Noble Square. They are responsible for making major decisions, including setting the co-op's strategy, appointing executives, and overseeing financial performance.

Why expelling a corrupt board of directors is necessary?

A corrupt board of directors can have a devastating impact on the Noble Square community. It can lead to financial mismanagement, poor decision-making, and erosion of trust. The Membership may suffer losses and the co-op's reputation may be tarnished. Therefore, expelling a corrupt board of directors becomes necessary to restore our integrity and prevent further harm.

How to expel a corrupt board of directors?

Shareholders have the power to remove directors by calling a special meeting and passing a resolution with the required number of votes. Per the By-Laws of Noble Square Cooperative, Directors can be removed without presenting cause. Only a majority vote is necessary to have any or all Directors and Officers removed from their positions.

We are now in the crucial process of conducting a thorough investigation to identify all wrongdoing. This investigation is being conducted impartially, and the findings will be presented to the membership for their consideration.

What happens after expelling the board of directors?

Once the board of directors is expelled, a new board should be appointed to take over the management and direction of the cooperative. The new board should be composed of individuals with integrity, experience, and expertise in the relevant fields. They should be committed to restoring the cooperative's reputation and implementing sound corporate governance practices.


Expelling a corrupt board of directors is a difficult and complex process, but it is necessary to protect the interests of the stakeholders. The process requires a thorough investigation, a special meeting of the membership, and the appointment of a new board of directors. With proper planning and execution, Noble Square Cooperative can overcome the challenges and emerge stronger than ever before.


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