Enough is Enough! Let’s Recall the Board!

We are dedicated to instigating positive transformations within our community. Join us as we embark on a collective effort to restore transparency and accountability to our Board of Directors.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, we advocate for an emergency meeting to address concerns regarding potential corruption, misappropriation of funds, and the questionable use of security as an enforcement mechanism. Our central goal is to reclaim seats on the Board and eradicate any practices that compromise the integrity of our leadership.

In addition to lavish trips under the guise of fact-finding seminars, there are unsettling reports of misappropriation of funds, raising serious questions about financial accountability. Moreover, the inappropriate use of security measures further underscores the need for a thorough examination of our leadership's actions.

As members, we refuse to accept these practices that violate the trust and rights of our community. It is time to collectively stand against corruption and build a foundation based on trust, transparency, and genuine commitment to our shared well-being. Join us on this journey towards positive change!

Our voices will no longer be ignored.

We assert our right to accountability, grounded not only in the current by-laws, which were not subjected to a membership vote, but also in compliance with the Illinois Co-operative Act [805 ILCS 310/]. These rights, bestowed upon us by the state of Illinois and upheld by the judicial system, establish safeguards preventing the board from assuming a tyrannical stance and ensure our ability to seek justice in cases of overreaching authority. Clarity in the rules is imperative, and to facilitate understanding, a copy of the Board's unjustly implemented by-laws (established in 2006) has been uploaded. This allows for a clear distinction between the regulations outlined in the by-laws and the mandates they have unilaterally imposed. Click the button below to access a copy of the Illinois Co-Operative Act, as outlined in 805 ILCS 310/.

Deceptive Practices: Unveiling the Truth!

In the wake of the city, county, state, and nation's gradual return to normalcy post-COVID-19, a disturbing reality unfolds. The Board of Directors, in collusion with management, persists in wielding draconian measures that coerce members into submission, despite explicit clearance from authoritative bodies such as the CDC, NIAID, and the President of the United States lifting emergency executive orders.

Their insistence on maintaining an illusion of stringent practices serves a dubious purpose – allowing office staff to shirk responsibilities while using COVID-19 Emergency Protocols as a shield. Behind this facade lies a more sinister motive: shielding our property manager, Shawanna Baker, from direct interaction with members. Shawanna's demeanor, marked by disrespect and contempt even towards our eldest members, is untenable. Both Shawanna and Tailor Made have outstayed their welcome in Noble Square.

Moreover, under the guise of COVID-19 protocols, the Directors clandestinely conduct meetings, utilizing Zoom calls as a shield against scrutiny. Immune to questioning and insulated from floor votes, they perpetuate a despotic regime that must be ousted from power. The urgency of this situation demands immediate attention and action.

Current By-Laws

Our current by-laws stand as a haunting departure from the foundational principles set in place at the cooperative's inception. A disconcerting turn of events unfolded in February 2006 when these by-laws were amended without the essential voting participation or input from the membership. This unilateral alteration not only constitutes a flagrant violation of numerous statutes within the Illinois Co-operative Act but also casts a shadow of illegality over our cooperative's governance.

Confronted with this grave breach of trust, it becomes imperative to lay bare these by-laws for your meticulous examination. By providing you with the opportunity to directly assess the by-laws, I aim to empower you to form your own judgment on the audacious disregard for the principles that underpin our cooperative's existence.

Upon a thorough review, a disconcerting revelation surfaces – many of the purported "rules" coercively imposed upon us lack proper enshrinement in our governing documents. Consequently, they exist as arbitrary edicts wielded by the Board without the necessary democratic validation. This unchecked exercise of authority not only undermines the cooperative spirit but also subverts the very essence of a community-driven organization.

To delve deeper into this disconcerting state of affairs, I invite you to click the button below. There, you can access and download a comprehensive copy of the current by-laws, exposing the unsettling reality of our compromised governance. This call for scrutiny underscores the urgency of addressing these systemic issues and reclaiming the cooperative's true ethos from the grips of unilateral amendments and arbitrary rule.

"The fight for justice against corruption is never easy. It never has been and never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity."

— Frank Serpico


Feel free to contact us with any questions, things you want to see done and other issues you might have. After our goals have been achieved, this site will be given to the new Board of Directors to help modernize the Coop.
